torsdag den 27. juni 2013

Kimono inspired overall

My newest project is a kimono inspired overall. I love overalls when it's summer, they are so casual, and this one is especially comfortable.
It was pretty complicated to make, but I made it at last, and this is how it looks:

torsdag den 20. juni 2013

Wide shorts

This week I have been working on some wide shorts.
They look quite funny, but I like them and it's nice to have some shorts which isn't too short.

So here they are:

They almost look like a skirt 

I used the fabric from my old jeans to the top-part

This is how they look on, they are high-waisted...

... and they have pockets :-)

søndag den 9. juni 2013

You can never have too many bracelets...

... or yes, you can!

I have way too many of these bracelets, which I never use
So that's why I decided to make the bracelets I never use, into some really cool neon bracelets... 

... by using these pearls, which I also have way too many of

I used two different techniques:

1. Whirl some metal thread around one bracelet, while putting the pearls on, one by one. 

 2. Whirl some metal thread around one bracelet three times. Then put two pearls on the thread and whirl the thread around the second bracelet three times, so the two pearls are between the two bracelets.
I choose to use two times orange and one time yellow, again and again, but there's so many opportunities!

You might notice that there isn't any pearls at the last bit, which, if I should say it myself, looks pretty cool.
... it's not because I ran out of orange pearls, or something..
And this is how they look together
See ya :-)

lørdag den 8. juni 2013

Rich kid

I really love making photoshoots. I love the whole creative process, from choosing the clothes, doing the makeup and taking the actual photos.

And because my younger sister likes modeling, we make a lot of photoshoots.

I got the idea of a rich kid photoshoot, when my mom gave me some of her old clothes. It all looked really 1990-2000, and it reminded me of clothes that rich people wore at that time.

So the inspiration is obviously a rich kid, who doesn't do anything all day, but being bored:

So I am probably going to post a lot of photoshoots in the future :-)

torsdag den 6. juni 2013

Scarf 2.0

I think that I am going to write this blog in english from now on, cause according to my blog-views most of my readers are American.

I am not even sure if it's true, or if there really are anyone reading my blog.
But it's okay, cause the main reason why i'm writing this blog, is so I can see all my projects and how they are evolving.

So moving on, to my next scarf-project.

As I have written before, I got a lot of really beautiful fabrics, which some companies couldn't use anymore, because it's pretty small pieces.
But if I can make some really cool scarfs out of the fabric, I can keep getting more of it.

And now I have made the second scarf:

There were some stains on the grey fabric, so I cut holes in it, and made it an effect 
I mixed 2 types of fabric, and this is how it looks on

I am really happy about the way it turned out, and it's much more light than the first one.

The lady who gives me the fabric has already seen the two scarfs, and she likes them a lot, so that's really good, and it means that I will be getting even more fabric :-)

tirsdag den 4. juni 2013

Sidste skoledags kostume

I fredags havde min lillesøster (ligesom så mange andre 9. klasser) sidste skoledag. 
Men da hun jo har en super kreativ søster som mig, brugte hun ikke mega mange penge på at købe et kostume, men fik mig til at lave det. 

Hun ville gerne være Pocahontas, så jeg lavede en kjole der er en næste tro kopi af den kjole som Pocahontas har på i filmen. 

Her er resultatet: